Wednesday, July 06, 2005
war of the worlds is nice! [: i watched it on monday wif cecilia and mich.
and it's funny too.
especially the peanut butter sandwich part.
lol i tink dakota fanning acted quite good on this one.
but SOME people like cecilia and mich tink that she screamed too much and was irritating.. lol.
but she's just going according to the script! hahah.
anyway we played with the lightsaber!
i died first. hahaha.
then i got revived and killed mich back. lol.
and then we saw some slippers which cost 29$. so ex rite/
then we met cecilia. we went down and she went up. [: lol.
we saw jaime koh and her sister
actually mich saw her
i couldnt see her until mich brought me closer lol.
i tink im cock eyed. lol./
oh ya.. we drank coffee while watching the movie
the cinema sold it, so we didnt go against the rules okay. [:
and anyway it kept me awake during the night i couldnt sleep at all. hahaha.

oh and then yesterday got free star wars character thing. it came with the twisties packet and aileen and i took one each. ahhaha.
watched IOC too. actually i dont really care where the olympics take place. [: i mean they're all far-away countries anyway.

today i realised a teacher pronounced 'what' as 'wart' so weirddd. lol. and she went 10 minutes into the nxt lesson. and then plus charlene is hysterical today.
any small thing and she laugh. lol hahaa. we had hip too. so stupid we did electricity. but then our bulb was spoilt and then the batteries were spoilt. and everything was spoilt. so dumb.
i didnt even bring my book lol.
and the teacher has a very evil laugh! i didnt notice till now. lol

btw I lit a match!!! that is like a miracle. lol